SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1CR10-045 06/18/03


Definition of “associate” (in context of a charge for violation of conditions of release)


(Def)_______________ is charged with violating [his] [her] conditions of release by “associating” with (other person)_______________.

To associate with another person means to interact with that other person, or to keep company with that other person.  It indicates some form of joining together with the other person, as a partner, a friend, or a companion.

In this context, “association” requires some form of active participation by (Def)_______________.  A brief passive encounter with the other person, initiated by the other person, does not necessarily qualify as association.  However, any lengthy interaction with the other person, or any interaction initiated by (Def)_______________, will qualify as association.

The State must have proven that (Def)_______________ violated his conditions of release by associating with (other person)_______________.